Hello and welcome to my website and blog space.
I will publish occasional blogs on a range of topics that capture my interest, and hope that they take your fancy too.
This is, of course, also a place to collect an overview of my books, other writings, presentations and broadcast contributions. As an independent scholar I aim to break new ground in historical research with each new project. And as a writer I try to present that research and my interpretation in a way that is not only useful to other scholars, but also accessible to non-expert readers.
My love for history had an early start. I was born in Portsmouth, an historic port on England’s South coast, where an ancient castle guards the seafront at Portchester. I loved exploring there and clamoured for my parents to take me to other castles we came across during family holidays and excursions.
Later I worked as a newspaper reporter before attending university as a mature student and gaining a Ph.D. in history. My doctoral research formed the basis for my book ‘Redcoats‘. Although an academic study, it was warmly received on both sides of the Atlantic and was instrumental in encouraging me to switch from teaching at university to concentrating upon writing.
While my research has focused upon the Eighteenth Century, my interests are far wider in scope and I remain keen to present my ideas and to engage with specialists and the general public alike, through broadcasts, conferences and other events.
Married and with a daughter and a son, I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, working as a freelance writer and independent historian.
If you would like to contact me, please email me.