HARDBACK / KINDLE VERSION: Turncoat is also available in hardback or Kindle book from Amazon US, Amazon CA or Amazon UK.
Narrated by American theatre, film, TV and voiceover actor Andrew Sellon, ‘Turncoat: Benedict Arnold and the Crisis of American Liberty’ by Stephen Brumwell is transformed into a 17-hour performance that’s available as an audio download or on CD.
“A cracking good tale… offers new evidence and a compelling argument as to the real reasons behind Arnold’s betrayal of the American independence movement. If you thought it was all about money, Brumwell will make you think again. His recounting of the entirely accidental way in which the planned treason was uncovered, and what happened next, reads like a top-drawer Hollywood screenplay; it’s a true cinematic nail-biter. If you’re a fan of American History, this book is an absolute “don’t miss”–and if you like listening to your American History, my audiobook version will give you about 17 hours of immersion in a remarkable true story.” Andrew Sellon in his blog: Turncoat: My Latest Audiobook Sheds New Light On Infamous Traitor Benedict Arnold
About ‘Turncoat’
General Benedict Arnold’s failed attempt to betray the fortress of West Point to the British in 1780 is among the most infamous episodes in American history. Even today his name is synonymous with ‘traitor’. Arnold’s defection was all the more shocking because of his record as one of the Revolution’s bravest and most-effective fighters. But why did Arnold turn against his country and comrades? In Turncoat: Benedict Arnold and the Crisis of American Liberty, Stephen Brumwell challenges previous interpretations.
See more about the book and its reviews.