Besides writing single-authored works, I have contributed chapters and introductions to edited volumes, ranging from published academic conference proceedings to ‘coffee table’-style illustrated books aimed at general readers.

Journal of the American Revolution Annual Volume 2017
“Alexander Hamilton, Benedict Arnold and a ‘forgotten’ Publius”
Editors: Todd Andrlik and Don N Hagist
Westholme Publishing: Yardley, PA, 2017

A Military History of Scotland
“The Scottish Military Experience in North America, 1756-1783”
Editors: Edward Spiers, Matthew J. Strickland and Jeremy Crang
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, 2012

Revisiting 1759: The Conquest of Canada in Historical Perspective
“‘One more card to play’: revisiting Wolfe’s final stratagem at Quebec”
Editors: John Reid and Phil Buckner
University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2012

British Military Greats
Essay on “James Wolfe”
Introduction by Peter Snow
Cassell Illustrated, London 2004; paperback ed. 2006

Through So Many Dangers: The Adventures & Memoirs of Robert Kirk, Late of the Royal Highland Regiment
Author of Introduction
Editors: Ian McCulloch and Timothy Todish
Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmanns, New York 2004

La Guerre de Sept Ans en Nouvelle-France
“La Guerre de Sept Ans À L’Échelle Mondiale”
Editors: Laurent Veyssière and Bertrand Fonck
Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne / Les éditions du Septentrion: Paris & Quebec, 2011
(Originally published as “Global precursors to and consequences of the Seven Years’ War”, in La Guerre de Sept Ans en Amérique: Actes du colloque 15 septembre 2009, Québec, Société généalogique canadienne française, Montreal, 2010)

The Art of War: Great Commanders of the Modern World
Illustrated essays on “Gustavus Adolphus”, “Charles XII”, “James Wolfe” and “Nathanael Greene”
Editor: Andrew Roberts
Quercus, London, 2009
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Six substantial entries.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004